
Saturday, October 15, 2011

Fascinating Herat; Image Gallery

The Alexandria Citadel in Herat is one the most old buildings of Afghanistan. The Citadel was build by Alexander the great.

These are the armed fighting vehicles left by the Russian Army during the Afghan Jihad days.

A stunning and fascinating view of Herat.

Afghan National Army and Afghan National Police supposed to play an active role in Law in order maintenance in Afghanistan.

Ariana Airline landing in Herat Airport. This Airport will soon be an International Airport.

Herat was the very less effected and destructed during Afghan Jihad against Russia and Taliban resistance against USA and NATO invaders, but the image shows how badly Herat and Afghanistan was ruined during the wars.

Herat Commercial Center plays a basic role in the business activities in the city of Herat.

Herat has some very beautiful and historic buildings. The Qala Ikhtirauddeen is also considered to be one of the famous and historic buildings in the world.

Hazrat Mawlana Nooruddin Abdur Rahman Jami (R.A) was born in the small town of Jam (also known as Khorasan), on the 23rd of Shaban 817AH. He is a famous Sufi, and a follower of the Naqshbandiyya Sufi Order. Herat is proud to have this great man resting in this land.

Herat University was founded in 1988. It is attended by approximately 3,000 students, 900 of whom are women. The university is still recovering from the long period of war and chaos in the country. The main campus is currently undergoing reconstruction.

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