
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Meghri; a Fascinating Town in Armenia

Meghri (Armenian: Մեղրի; also Romanized as Mehri, Mughru, Myghry, Mergi, Megry, Megri, and Mogri) is a city in southern Armenia, located in the Syunik province, near the border with Iran. The city's economy is based on the food industry, and contains a bread-baking factory, canneries and a winery. Meghri has a significantly milder climate than the rest of the cities in Armenia, and produces fruits not found in other parts of the country. Meghri forms an urban community (municipality). The National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia (ARMSTAT) reported its population was 4,775 in 2010, down from 4,805 at the 2001 census.

A nearby Russian military base houses about 2,000 soldiers, who along with Armenian soldiers guard the border with Iran. The Iran-Armenia Natural Gas Pipeline passes through the city. In early 2007, it was reported that the governments of Armenia, Russia, and Iran are planning to build an oil refinery for gasoline export to Iran. This project would be led by Gazprom.

The Meghri swap proposal:

A political firestorm ignited after the Key West Peace Talks between Armenia and Azerbaijan over Nagorno Karabakh. Azerbaijan announced that Armenia offered to swap the stretch of Armenian territory that separates Nakhchivan from the rest of Azerbaijan, called the Meghri strip, in exchange for official Armenian sovereignty over the Lachin corridor. Opposition to this plan erupted in both countries, and Robert Kocharian and Heydar Aliyev had to quickly disavow the proposal.
Only place in the country of Armenia that's known for its Pomegranates.

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