
Thursday, July 23, 2015

20 Most Visited Cities in the World in 2014 Part 1

Did you ever want to know about the cities in the world that are most visited. The cities that are the destinations of most travelers across the glob. Below we are going to share the 20 most visited cities of the year 2014. Having one thing very common- being destination of most travelers- all of these centers have different qualities and specialties-like tourism, business, political activities, hosting games and so on. 

We share this information with great gratitude towards Forbes.

1- London

London, the capital city of England

Whether it draws vistors for business or pleasure, London- the capital city of England- regained the top rank last year in the MasterCard Global Destination Cities Index, with an 8% growth in visitors.

2- Bangkok
Bangkok, the capital city of Thailand

Political unrest seemed to be hurting Thai tourism. Bangkok-the capital of Thailand- only slipped one rank since last year, but experienced an 11% decline in visitors.

3- Paris
Paris, the capital city of France

Never mind that Paris-the capital of France- has a slow growth rate in the number of visitors -- just 1.8%. It's still a favorite city of many travelers.

4- Singapore
Singapore, the modern city State

With a population of less than 5 million, Singapore expects 12.47 million visitors this year -- a 3.1% increase over last year. Although it is a melting pot of cultures, including Indian, Chinese and Malay, English is the dominant language, and Westerners do not tend to experience the culture shock there that occurs elsewhere in the region.

5- Dubai
Dubai, the shopping capital of Middle East

Sometimes called the shopping capital of the Middle East, Dubai Shows strong growth, increasing their arrival numbers by 10.9% in 2013 and 7.5% in 2014.

6- New York
New York

In terms of overnight visitor spending, New York switched places with London in 2014. Visitors are expected to spend $18.57 billion in New York, versus $19.27 in London -- perhaps a function of the strength of the British pound right now. With the Empire State Building, NY cam be termed as the "capital of the world" and even after loosing the World Trade Center in 9/11 attacks, the landmark statue of liberty grabs attention of visitors from across the globe.

7- Istanbul
Istanbul, the capital city of Trkey

As a travel destination, Istanbul-the capital of Turkey, that is now no more "The Sick Man of Europe"- is a rising star, with sights like the Hagia Sophia mosque shown here. Last year's Mastercard survey project that If all top 10 destination cities maintain their current rates of growth in the next few years, then by 2016, Istanbul will surpass Singapore, New York and Paris in terms of international visitor arrivals.

8- Kuala Lumpur
Kuala Lumpur, the new-and current- capital city of Malaysia

A construction boom has altered the cityscape of the downtown area of Kuala Lumpur, capital city of Malaysia. It expects 10.81 million visitors in 2014, making it No. 3 of the top 10 Asia/Pacific destination cities (after Bangkok and Singapore).

9- Hong Kong
Hong Kong, the third most expensive city in the world

Its majestic harbor beckons, with 8.84 million visitors expected this year. It's also the third most expensive city in the world, according to another survey.

10- Seoul
Seoul, the capital city of South Korea

Visitor spending pumps money into Seoul's economy; visitors are expected to spend $11.5 billion there in 2014 in Seoul, the capital of South Korea – an increase of 6.3% over the previous year.

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